Monday 25 August 2014

British Rapper 'L. Jinny'-Suspected In Journalist James Foley Beheading

L Jinny

Suspected killer and James Foley

The United State of America Government is in search of the member of Isis responsible for the Beheading of the American Journalist JAMES FOLEY.

One of the men suspected of beheading American journalist James Foley was once an aspiring rapper.

Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,  a 24-year old who reportedly left home last year to fight in Syria's civil war used to go by the name L. Jinny ..

Bary tweeted a picture of himself holding a severed head earlier this month ... and the Telegraph says he's a suspect in Foley's execution.

According to reports,  former ISIS hostages have given him the nickname "John the Beatle" -- because of his British accent.

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